What Does “Energy Efficient” REALLY Mean for My Home – and My Wallet?

2017-05-10 (1)

With summer on the edge of our heels, it’s the perfect time to make changes around the house. Creating an energy efficient home not only helps the environment, but can also be a lifesaver for your wallet. Whenever you cut back on using energy, you’re saving money, so there’s really no downside of being more energy savvy around the house.

Some energy efficient options you’ll have to invest in at the start, but you’ll save money in the long run. It’s little changes we can make in our day-to-day lives that will make the most significant impact. From making sure your computer is on sleep mode when you’re not using it, to planting a shade tree on the side of your house that gets the most sun, incorporating energy efficient options around your home is easy and impactful.

Check out 6 ways to be more energy efficient at home, and watch your bank account grow.

1.Switch to Energy Efficient Windows

Changing your windows to energy efficient Energy Star windows means less condensation and heat loss in winter (or too much heat in summer), and better-balanced window temperatures. All this contributes to a much more comfortable home environment, and fewer cold spots. The money you save by avoiding leakage through old or inefficient windows adds up quickly – you could save as much as 15% on heating and cooling costs just by installing Energy Star windows!

2.Use Sleep Mode on Your Computer/ Laptop

When you’re not using your computer, make sure it doesn’t stay running the whole time. And don’t confuse screen savers with sleep mode. Letting your computer/laptop run when you’re not using it sucks up so much energy! Set your laptop to go to sleep after a few minutes of inactivity. It will consume less energy and will be quicker than starting it up after it’s been shut down.

3. Switch to Fluorescent Light bulbs

Yes, fluorescent light bulbs cost more than incandescent, but they last 8-12 times longer, which means you’ll be saving significantly in the long run. Energy efficient light bulbs use 25% to 80% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs, so you can help the environment and your wallet.

4. Plant a Shade Tree

You know the side of the house that gets the most sun in the summer months? Plant a shade tree to provide relief when it gets extremely hot. This will help keep your home cool when the sun is beating on it, so you don’t have to crank up the air conditioning too high.

5. Use Your Appliances Mindfully

I think we’re all guilty of running a load of laundry that wasn’t full, or keeping the freezer colder than it needs to be. Making these simple changes is very energy efficient and will save you tons of cash! Make sure your laundry and dishwasher loads are always full, wash your clothes on cold when you can, use a covered kettle or pot to boil water, etc. All these little things make a huge difference.

6. Insulate Your House

From your attic and ceiling to your walls and pipes, insulation is key to saving energy around the house. Adding insulation keeps the outside air out and inside air in, ensuring your house stays

warm during frigid winter temperatures and cool during hot summers. Insulating hot water pipes reduces heat loss and conserves water since you don’t have to wait as long for the water to warm up.

Do you have any more tips for making your home more energy efficient? We’d love to hear them!