Top 8 Millennial Home Trends

Millennials are the next generation slated to enter the housing market (if they haven’t already), so it’s important to know what they’re looking for when it comes to home trends. They know what they want and they won’t settle for anything less. Think: sustainability, minimalism and personalized spaces that set them apart from their friends. Here are the top 8 millennial home trends you need to know! 

1. Personalization

Personalization is wildly important to millennials. They want to be seen as individuals with their own design style and personality. Out with the cookie cutter spaces, and in with homes that are custom-made both inside and out. Millennials don’t stage their homes to look like showrooms- they’d rather invest in customized pieces, one-of-a-kind furniture, vintage finds and artwork that allows their personality to shine.

2. Sustainability

Sustainability is also increasingly important to millennial homeowners. Features such as energy efficiency, sustainable design and recycled materials are at the top of many millennials’ must-have lists. LED bulbs, solar panels, low-flow shower heads, and composting are just a few of the features millennials want in their homes.

3. Houseplants

Real and fake houseplants are growing in popularity for millennials. This generation loves their plants, with some investing more in greenery than other any other decor piece. From air plants, to succulent gardens, tall potted plants like the fiddle leaf fig, and pretty indoor gardens, there’s no denying millennials love their houseplants. 

4. Matte Finishes 

Matte finishes are making a splash with millennial homeowners, especially matte black. Matte bronze and matte brushed nickel are also having a moment, but matte black seems to be the best way to make a statement. It’s minimal and sophisticated, elevating any room its used in. From the kitchen faucet, to cabinet hardware and more, millennials love matte finishes. 

5. Minimalism

Many millennials live by the “less is more” mantra, craving decluttered spaces filled with only things that they really need or love. With housing prices higher than ever, many millennials can’t afford to live in large homes, and they have less money to spend on unnecessary pieces that often contribute to clutter. 

6 .Mid-Century Modern Decor 

There’s something about mid-century modern decor that millennials can’t get enough of. Popularized in the 1950’s the trend is back, and shows no signs of slowing down. Loved for its high functionality, minimal ornamentation, and organic influences, it’s ideal for the minimal, small spaces popular among millennials. 

7. Subway Tiles 

Minimal, clean cut and affordable, subway tiles are making their way into millennial kitchens and bathrooms more than any other tile. Subway tiles have a simple, vintage flair to them, and while they’re often used in classic white, you can choose any colour you want for the spaces in your home.

8. Natural Elements

While baby boomers were attracted more ornate interiors, millennials are drawn to naturally occurring elements like wood and stone. They love features like butcher block countertops and marble fireplaces. Anywhere they can bring the outdoors in, they do it. 

These are the 8 home trends millennials are bringing to the forefront! What do you think of these millennial home trends?