How to Arrange Furniture Around Windows

When done right, the placement of furniture can enhance the entire look and feel of a room, increase natural light and create the illusion of a bigger space. We’ve come up with some furniture arranging tips that consider the size of the room and the amount of natural light available. 

1. Don’t Block the Windows 

As with any room, the more natural light, the better. As much as possible, avoid placing furniture in front of windows to enable the maximum amount of light. However, depending on the window style and the size of the room, you may not have a choice. If this is the case, place low-profile, non-bulky furniture near windows to allow some light to shine through. You can also try strategically magnifying natural light with mirrors on walls opposite the windows and incorporating reflective surfaces such as glass coffee tables.

2. Living Area Furniture Layout

For busy areas such as the lounge or living room, consider the flow of traffic. If you are lucky to have a large living space with lots of windows, arrange the furniture front and centre in the middle of the room. For smaller living rooms with windows at one end, place large items like couches and the TV at the opposite end of the room from the window. Sofas and chairs should face each other to create conversation areas. Avoid pushing all furniture up against the walls as it can make the space look smaller. 

3. Bedroom Furniture Layout

When it comes to the bedroom, either place the bed facing the window as far from the door as possible or place the bed between two windows to create a focal point. If the space allows it, add nightstands to either side of the bed for balance. In smaller rooms, place the bed in the corner, parallel against the room’s longest wall. Add an extra element of design and level of comfort with an area rug, and don’t forget a mirror. 

4. Add Lighting Elements 

Wherever possible, embrace that natural light. Regardless of the number of windows in a room, adding additional lighting will ensure you have a well-lit room any time of day or night. Spotlighting can be used to emphasize art and decorative features. Consider overhead, floor and table lamps that can each add ambiance.