Distinction Siding: The Look of Real Siding Without the Maintenance

When it comes to choosing the right siding for your home, there are a number of things to keep in mind. From the look, to the material, to the upkeep, the siding you choose will have a big impact on your curb appeal and your lifestyle. Two of the main factors homeowners consider when it comes to siding are the look and maintenance of the siding material. Many want the look of real wood, but realize that in order to maintain it, it will take up a lot of their time and money. Enter: Distinction siding: Maintenance-free siding that replicates the variations of real wood for a natural wood finish! Read all about why Distinction siding is about to become your new favourite!

What Sets Distinction Siding Apart?

Distinction siding offers the unrivaled appearance of wood, without any of the hard work and time to upkeep it. While natural wood siding can become easily discoloured and damaged, and needs considerable maintenance, Distinction siding provides the elegance of maintenance free wood.

Distinction siding is a pre-painted, high strength steel product with no visible screws and unmatched durability, so you never have to worry about its performance. It’s coated with rust-resistant paint that offers long-term durability that won’t fade. You’ll also be happy to know that Distinction siding increases your property value being such a high-quality product, so if you’re putting your home up for sale, or plan to in the future, it’s definitely worth the investment!

Distinctive Design

Depending on your home design, you can choose between horizontal and vertical installation for your Distinction siding to get the look you want! While horizontal siding provides a timeless look for your home, vertical siding adds distinction, giving your home a more unique appearance.

You’ll also have to consider what colour you’ll want for your new siding. Distinction siding is available in three series of colours: Wood Series, Nuanced Wood Series, and Granite Series, and in numerous shades including cedarwood, smoked black, exotic walnut and metallic silver. You can see a list of available colours here, but keep in mind that not all colours are available in all provinces. Take some time to decide on your colour and the direction of the siding planks to ensure your complete satisfaction with your siding project!

If you’re on the hunt for a siding material that does it all, look no further. Distinction siding will give you the look of real wood without the maintenance, and will be a gorgeous addition to your home!