When to be Concerned About Window Condensation

Condensation is common in households where there is too much humidity or water vapour in the air. When water vapour comes into contact with cold surfaces, it becomes water droplets called condensation. While it’s normal to see common household condensation on mirrors and windows, large quantities can damage your home.

When to Expect Condensation

As the weather cools down, your HVAC system starts to dry out moisture absorbed in summer. As a result, you may see increased condensation on windows. It’s also common to notice more condensation after installing energy-efficient windows due to the tighter seal that helps prevent moisture from escaping.   

Contributing Factors 

We contribute to indoor humidity in our day-to-day lives through routine household practices such as cooking, doing the dishes, and showering. Mopping floors, doing laundry, and using a humidifier can also increase humidity levels in your home. Notably, anything that involves water will add humidity to the air.  

Warning Signs 

Excessive window condensation is one of the first signs the humidity level in your home is too high. When accompanied by peeling paint, frost, and moisture spots on the walls and ceiling, it’s cause for concern. 

How to Reduce Condensation 

If you are experiencing high levels of condensation in your home, try to reduce excess humidity using the following methods: 

  • Install proper ventilation in the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry. 
  • Open your windows for a few minutes daily.
  • Open attic and basement vents. 
  • If you have a fireplace, occasionally open the dampers. 
  • Put your indoor plants in one area and avoid overwatering. 
  • Use a dehumidifier in problem areas.
  • Contact a professional heating contractor.