Prepping Your Home for The Winter Weather

With below-freezing temperatures and turbulent weather, winter is not the time to be dealing with home repairs. Prepping your home for the winter weather is vital to ensuring your home is safe, warm and comfortable throughout the snowy season. Without proper preparation, you could be dealing with issues such as drafts, water damage and skyrocketing energy bills. To ensure you’re in the clear, here are five ways to prep your home for the winter weather.

1. Replace Your Windows

Having quality windows is a must for winter weather. Windows can help insulate your home and keep it as safe and comfortable as possible. Check for cracks in the window seals. If you notice drafts or cold air coming through, or if there is fog or condensation between the glass, your window seal could be broken and it might be time to replace your windows. Well-sealed replacement windows will improve your home comfort, reducing cold drafts and helping prevent heat transfer. Updated windows will keep your living space more consistently comfortable and ultimately lower your energy costs.

2. Upgrade Your Siding 

Before winter hits you should also check for holes and cracks in your siding. If it’s clear your siding has seen better days it may be time to replace it. New siding will boost your home’s curb appeal, making it more attractive to you and potential future buyers. It will also increase the energy efficiency of your home, improve your home comfort and increase your home’s overall value. Replacing your siding for the winter weather is a smart investment. 

3. Check Insulation

You should also be checking your insulation to prepare your home properly for winter weather. You should have a minimum of 12 inches of insulation in your attic. If you can see your ceiling joists, you need more insulation covering. If you’re adding insulation to spots with pre-existing coverage, make sure there’s no paper backing on your insulation as this can create moisture problems. Upgrading your insulation will make your home more energy efficient and it takes barely any time at all.

4. Winterize Exterior Pipes

Winterizing your exterior pipes can prevent winter weather damage to your home. It’s an easy and necessary step that will make your home safe and also save energy. Wrapping your pipes will keep them from freezing and bursting, which would wreak havoc on your home. Plus, when your pipes are insulated, it keeps the water in the pipes hotter, which means less time waiting for water to heat up.

5. Clean Your Gutters

Your gutters are another key area to check and maintain for winter. Wait for the leaves to fall so you don’t have to do this task twice. If your gutters are clogged or damaged, water can back up and freeze on your roof, creating ice dams that prevent other water and snow from making it down the spout. This can cause serious water damage to your home, so make sure to clean out and inspect your gutters for damage before the temperature dips. 

Now is the time to prepare your home for the winter weather. Get these tasks and repairs done now so you can enjoy the winter season without worry.