Can’t See Out Your Windows? Check Your Home’s Humidity Levels

Maintaining the right humidity levels is crucial for its comfort, energy efficiency and overall home health. If humidity levels reach too high or dip too low, you may notice issues such as furniture and house deterioration, an increase in germs and mould, and the inability to see out your windows. Here’s how to check your home’s humidity levels and what to do it they’re too high or too low. 

How to Check Indoor Humidity Levels

If you’re unsure how to check your home’s humidity levels, you’re definitely not alone. There are a few easy ways to check if the humidity levels in your home are too high or low. 

Do you notice the windows in your home and constantly fogging up and collecting moisture? If you’re noticing fog and condensation on your windows that’s making it difficult to see outside, this can be a sign that there’s too much humidity in your home. Condensation forms when warm, humid air contacts a cold surface. If this problem goes on for too long, it can lead to costly problems down the line. 

Moisture and mould occurring on walls is also a sign of too much humidity. Mould growth occurs on any surface that remains wet or damp for a prolonged period of time. If moisture and mould continues to build without anything being done to get rid of it, it can cause permanent damage to your home, and breathing in mould can also lead to serious health problems. 

On the flip side, there are also telltale signs that the humidity inside your home is too low. If you’re noticing more static electricity, dried or cracking millwork or paint, or the constant need to water your plants, all these things indicate that your home has low humidity levels. 

What To Do If Your Home Humidity Level is Too High

If your humidity levels are too high, you will likely notice issues during the winter months, especially when it comes to window condensation. There are numerous things you can do to lower the humidity levels in your home. First of all, if you’ve been using a humidifier, turn it down or off, and instead use a dehumidifier. 

Use exhaust fans while cooking and baking, or if the air outside is dry and fresh, open the windows while you’re doing your thing in the kitchen. Reduce the amount of water coming into your home by taking shorter showers, reducing the number of plants in your home and cooking with covered pots. 

What To Do If Your Home Humidity Level is Too Low

Humidity levels drop during wintertime because cold air holds less moisture than warm air. On top of increased static and plant watering, low humidity levels can also lead to dry skin and hair, increased susceptibility to colds and respiratory illnesses, and cracked wood floors. 

There are a bunch of ways to introduce more moisture into your home. You can leave wet clothes and towels out to dry or leave a bowl filled with water on top of a shelf. The moisture will eventually escape and be absorbed by the air. The most common way to increase humidity levels is to use a humidifier- either a portable humidifier or a humidifier that’s added to your furnace so you can control humidity levels with a humidistat. 

Having proper indoor humidity levels is key to a healthy home. Use our tips to make sure your humidity level is where it needs to be!